
Thursday, July 10

Two + Years Later

Where do I begin....

It's been a little more than two years since my last blog post. To say a lot has changed would be the understatement of the past two years.

As I wrote in my last blog post, 2012 was supposed to be the year for me.  The year that I was going to make changes and make 2012 the best year ever.  Apparently 2011 was the "worst year ever." Looking back now, I don't even recall what happened to give 2011 that title.  Sure my marriage was done (though not officially) and it was tough to come to terms with that.  Yes, there were a lot of bad things that came that happened that I wish wouldn't have.

But 2011 had nothing on 2012...

A lot of good happened in 2012 and had the good not been there, I am not sure where I would be right now or who I would be.  I am certain that it wouldn't be pretty.

2012 started off nice enough.  I was finally secure with who I was and what I need that I was going to finally go through with the divorce.  It was a few years coming (the marriage was already over, just not "on paper"...we weren't even living together), but I was not strong enough to actually go deal with it.  The security in knowing who I was and what I needed in life (and what I did not need) was very empowering.  I found my identity and I was ready to take it and run with it.

I even met someone.  Someone who liked me.  ME of all people.  Me, the mom with three kids and a failed marriage.  I felt so lucky.  After completely writing off wanting any type of romantic relationship, I was liked.  Funny how it works out, right?!

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