
Sunday, October 12

Rainy Sunday

Today marks day 3 since Daddy left. We are doing OK. We miss him, of course, but are doing pretty good on our own. I guess when you're on your 6th deployment, you get used to it. Princess K has gotten upset only once so far. It was today when she said that Daddy's not coming back. I explained to her about the months and days and weeks on the calendar and told her when he'd be home. I'm planning on getting her a calendar this week for her room so she can actually see how many days/weeks/months until Daddy's home. She's been pretty helpful too. She came to get me yesterday and was super proud & excited to show me a surprise. She had cleaned the playroom!!! I was shocked! I told her how proud of her I was and she got three stickers on her chart. Of course today it's a wreck. Oh well...

Baby A is doing great. He's earned himself a new nickname "Babyzilla." I explained to Princess K who Godzilla is, and we found Babyzilla to be pretty appropriate. He likes to tear through his (and her) toys and he makes lots of funny grunting sounds. He is so cute! He's been clapping a bunch. He thinks it is the coolest thing since Cheerios. He's getting better at standing on his own. he can only do this if I stand him, or if he lets go of what he's holding. He can't stand up from a sitting position without holding onto something, yet. I will not be surprised if he is walking by Thanksgiving. He is the happiest baby I know. Princess K was also very happy, so it doesn't surprise me. I guess I'm doing something right!

We've been in our new house for 2 weeks now. WE ARE LOVING IT! We have so much room and the backyard is amazing. We feel so blessed to have been able to move here. It was truly fate.

I'm going to post some pictures soon.

Need to do some homework while Babyzilla is napping.


1 comment:

Stacy said...

I am so happy the house has worked out for you guys. Armando took off already too. We should get the kids together more often.


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