
Saturday, November 15

Baby A's Milestones

Baby A will be 11 months tomorrow (wow!).

He can stand up & squat. Walk effortlessly when holding my hand (but has not ventured out on his own).
He understands a lot. He understands no, give that to me, give hugs, give kisses, lay down, sit down, clap...
He can wave & clap. He loves to dance. He is also always blowing kisses.
He can sign eat, more & milk. We are also working on mommy & all done.
He can say bye bye, night night, Mama, Dada, dawe (dog), & hi. He really had an explosion of language this past week. I love it!!

He loves his sister & is always giving her hugs & kisses. He is a Mommy's boy and very loving.

that's all for now.......

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